Bbrp bulan ini, aQ mencoba BBcream yg baru, namanya MiSSha PerFecT CoVer BBcrEam.
aQ yaKin tmn" psT da SerinG denGer soaL prOduK ini Khan...
sbLmnya aq Pakai PaLganTonG MorNingSet, sayangnya coverage-nya msh kurang utk skin problem Q...
that's why I neEd a New B.B cReam with a better covEraGe ^_^
so, Here We Go...
Product Description
30 ml tubeThis M Perfect Cover BB Cream makes your skin tone clean and natural by concealing blemishes with excellent skin coverage.
It is a multi functional makeup cream with blocking UV rays, whitening and wrinkle care effects and simplifies makeup formalities.
It's moisturized application with W/S texture makes sleek skin tone while supplying moisture and nutrition at the same time.
Directions: After basic skin care, apply an appropriate amount all over the face following the skin texture. Then, complete the makeup with powder.Do not need to apply Sun cream in addition.
Product Features
- Lightens skin tone by healing visible wrinkles and blemishes
- Prevents skin ageing through effective whitening and anti-wrinkle properties
- Effective UV blocking SPF 42 PA +++
- No need to apply sun cream in addition
On the FronT covEr :
Missha M Perfect Cover BBcream offers a novel skincare concept with B.B cream, which lightens skin tone by healing visible wrinkles and blemishes with excellent skin-cover ability, and prevents skin aging through effective whitening and anti-wrinkle properties.
aS U can See di foto sblh kiri, kuLit Q keliatan byk noda n bekas jerawat, serta warna kulit jg gak merata...hikss...ini menjadi problema yg msh trs menganggu penampilan q...
buT No Worry, Stlh menggunakan MISSHA PERFECT COVER BBCREAM without any skincare products, 10 mins after that...Liat deh foTo yg di sebelah kanan, my skin were so perfect, coverage-nya patut diacungi jempol dech...^_^ pLus BBcream Missha bs membuat wajah q keliatan lbh GLOSSY 'bo, warna kulit di wajah jg keliatan lbh merata khan...Woww...LoVe dis ProDucT so Much >.<
how could I resist this Missha BBcream ?
my rating : 4,8 / 5
sO, kaLo tmn" jg Punya Skin TyPe spt Aq, why not Try MISSHA BBcream?;p
u won'T reGreT it...
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Hi dear, Thank u so much ^_^v Pinkylici0us really appreciate your comments and will reply as soon as possible. Muaachhh... XOXO ;)