(foto ke-5 dari kiri)
description (
took this from Sasa.com)
VOV Daily Fresh Mini Pack Apple AHA Peeling Gel effectively whitens and tightens skin, and removes dead skin cell as well. The skin is left translucent and silky smooth with a healthy vivid glow!
how to use it
1. Apply on a cleansed face
2. When the pack is dry, (around 10 minutes) peel off gradually.
suitable for
all skin type / combination skin
It's white and similar to Laneige Strawberry Peeling Gel, but you leave it on your face instead of rubbing it on your skin. It does what it says, effectively exfoliated and my skin looks whiter after use. For a vivid glow though, I'd recommend Purity Seaweed over this one.
nOw's my ParT II poSt about VOV fresh mini pack daily mask...AHA PEELING GEL ini rasanya cukup cocok utk jenis kulit q jg karna fungsinya utk mencerahkan dan mengencangkan kulit wajah dan yg plg aq suka : menghilangkan sel kulit mati (ini penting bgt sich, terutama bagi tmn" yg memiliki KULIT KUSAM alias DULL SKIN).
Hihihi...masker ini mmg
sich, bentuk sachetnya mempermudah bgt. Tinggal sobek dan oleskan ke wajah aja atau bisa jg ditaruh di "facial brush" spt yg aq lakukan lho...
Pas awal dioles ke wajah, hmm...tercium aroma apel yg segar bgt >.< yummy...yummy...
nah, kalo masker VOV lemon fresh bisa sampai 3-4x pengaplikasian, masker Apple AHA peeling gel ini hanya utk 1x pemakaian. 'cause kalo gak banyak ntr krg efektif hasilnya lho...
Kulit q emg bnr terasa lbh cerah n kencang...siip dah...
Thx for reading, dear ^_^v
ReplyDeleteDid you get the first picture from my blog? I'd appreciate it if you can credit my blog. Thank you =]
i'm sorry, i really forget where i get that pic...but anyway, i'll credit it to your blog. thank you...^_^v