REVIEW Dentiste Plus White 'Nightime Herbapeutic Toothpaste'

"A kiss in the morning"

Wah ini sudah hampir habis menggunakan odol giginya baru sempat mau review (>_<)

Si odol gigi ini aq beli di salah satu minimarket di mall (lupa nich nama tokonya) =p Harganya lumayan bikin melotot loh, sekitar 150ribu (kurang lebih)...
Waduuuh...beneran khann bikin sport jantung xD

Tapi aq tertarik bgt buat nyobain odol ini gara2 baca deskripsinya yg cukup convincing itu =p Produk ini mengklaim bisa menghilangkan aroma tdk sedap saat kita bangun tidur...

Nah loh..pasti sering kan mengalami gejala minder saat mau dicium suami di pagi hari hahaha...xD

Ini nih penampakannya :

Dentiste Plus White 'Nightime Toothpaste'
Botolnya cukup sederhana tapi terlihat berkelas ^_^v

Toothpaste before bedtime. Help you take care your dental hygiene while sleeping better than other toothpaste (from research found that more than 80% of mouth problem like caries, gum inflamed, plague occur while you sleeping) proven by reduced bad smell when you wake up in 1-2 first night after using the toothpaste.

Hygienic pump from Germany

Botolnya menggunakan sistem pompa, sangat amat higienis lho ^_^v Aq seneng banget dengan inovasi seperti ini...

  • 14 natural extracts which are naturally antiseptic and antibacterial
  • Xylitol- Natural taste enhancer, creating unwelcome environment for bacteria
  • CDX (Cyclodextrin Complex) - Eliminates bad breath effectively
  • Stable Vitamin C from Switzerland - Helps increase Antibodies for healthy Gums
  • Micronized Silica Complex - Clinically proven to be effective on soothing sensitive teeth

DENTISTE' Proof of Excellence
  • 93% of Dentiste' users experience a decrease in bad morning breath after the first night use
  • 97% of Dentiste' users are highly satisfied with Dentiste' toothpaste when it comes to morning bad breath elimination.

The rate of dentist's recommendation is SEVEN times higher than that of competitors.

No 1 in Therapeutic toothpaste and No 1 Best selling toothpaste for 2 years.

Why we should use night-time toothpaste ?
When we sleep……
• Saliva flows slower in the day time.
• Anaerobe bacteria quickly start increasing in numbers
• Producing smelly volatile sulphur compounds

Bad breath in the morning.

Build-up of other problems in your mouth such as periodontal disease and tooth decay Build-up of body health problems such as ulcer , cardio vascular disease, etc

What is Dentiste’?
•  The only effective Night-Time Toothpaste
• Control oral bacteria effectively to give you a fresh morning breath. It also leads to a good oral and body health. Bad morning breath is a symptom of oral disease
• Uses natural ingredients and effective packaging technology from Germany. Quality can sustain a longer period

Who should use Dentiste ?
Whilst Dentiste is suitable for people suffering from bad morning breath, it is also for people who want to get healthier since oral bacteria causing bad smell can easily induce other diseases.
•     People with bad morning breath, insufficient sleep, and stressful working environment
•     People who travel a lot and PREGNANT WOMEN
•     Brain, oral, cardiovascular, lung, kidney, spinal cord, and diabetic patients

Special note for PREGNANT WOMEN
Pregnant Women are more prone to Oral Problems. It is dangerous for you to face stresses from dealing with the tooth pain. Too much stress in the first trimester can lead to an unwanted abortion, while dealing with serious oral problems in the last trimester can lead to premature birth.

Start taking care of your oral hygiene today for your baby's health by...
•     Brush your teeth correctly
•     Brush your tongue and floss your teeth
•     Drink enough clean water per day
•     Use toothpaste that can effectively inhibit oral nightmare bacteria
Odolnya berwarna hijau dgn aroma mint
  • Wangi mint...mmm...
  • Tdk terlalu berbusa
  • Efektif mengurangi aroma tidak sedap pada mulut sejak pemakaian pertama
  • Inovasi hygiene pump
  • Isinya lumayan banyak 120gr
  • Irit karena cukup menggunakan 1cm saja :)
  • Harganya yang selangit =p
Definitely will repurchase, although it's quite pricey...
Ya tapi seperti yang kita ketahui, "Ada Harga, Ada Rupa"...

So, share with me if you have try this product too (>_<)

MORE REVIEWS ? Click here and here

For more info, check their website by click here

Thanks for reading ^_^v


  1. busetttt .. harganyaaa
    mikir2 juga deh mau beli :D

  2. Very interesting blog. You can also try with Colgate Optic White Platinum whitening toothpaste. It's help you so much. thanks for sharing.


Hi dear, Thank u so much ^_^v Pinkylici0us really appreciate your comments and will reply as soon as possible. Muaachhh... XOXO ;)

- See more at:

REVIEW Dentiste Plus White 'Nightime Herbapeutic Toothpaste'

"A kiss in the morning"

Wah ini sudah hampir habis menggunakan odol giginya baru sempat mau review (>_<)

Si odol gigi ini aq beli di salah satu minimarket di mall (lupa nich nama tokonya) =p Harganya lumayan bikin melotot loh, sekitar 150ribu (kurang lebih)...
Waduuuh...beneran khann bikin sport jantung xD

Tapi aq tertarik bgt buat nyobain odol ini gara2 baca deskripsinya yg cukup convincing itu =p Produk ini mengklaim bisa menghilangkan aroma tdk sedap saat kita bangun tidur...

Nah loh..pasti sering kan mengalami gejala minder saat mau dicium suami di pagi hari hahaha...xD

Ini nih penampakannya :

Dentiste Plus White 'Nightime Toothpaste'
Botolnya cukup sederhana tapi terlihat berkelas ^_^v

Toothpaste before bedtime. Help you take care your dental hygiene while sleeping better than other toothpaste (from research found that more than 80% of mouth problem like caries, gum inflamed, plague occur while you sleeping) proven by reduced bad smell when you wake up in 1-2 first night after using the toothpaste.

Hygienic pump from Germany

Botolnya menggunakan sistem pompa, sangat amat higienis lho ^_^v Aq seneng banget dengan inovasi seperti ini...

  • 14 natural extracts which are naturally antiseptic and antibacterial
  • Xylitol- Natural taste enhancer, creating unwelcome environment for bacteria
  • CDX (Cyclodextrin Complex) - Eliminates bad breath effectively
  • Stable Vitamin C from Switzerland - Helps increase Antibodies for healthy Gums
  • Micronized Silica Complex - Clinically proven to be effective on soothing sensitive teeth

DENTISTE' Proof of Excellence
  • 93% of Dentiste' users experience a decrease in bad morning breath after the first night use
  • 97% of Dentiste' users are highly satisfied with Dentiste' toothpaste when it comes to morning bad breath elimination.

The rate of dentist's recommendation is SEVEN times higher than that of competitors.

No 1 in Therapeutic toothpaste and No 1 Best selling toothpaste for 2 years.

Why we should use night-time toothpaste ?
When we sleep……
• Saliva flows slower in the day time.
• Anaerobe bacteria quickly start increasing in numbers
• Producing smelly volatile sulphur compounds

Bad breath in the morning.

Build-up of other problems in your mouth such as periodontal disease and tooth decay Build-up of body health problems such as ulcer , cardio vascular disease, etc

What is Dentiste’?
•  The only effective Night-Time Toothpaste
• Control oral bacteria effectively to give you a fresh morning breath. It also leads to a good oral and body health. Bad morning breath is a symptom of oral disease
• Uses natural ingredients and effective packaging technology from Germany. Quality can sustain a longer period

Who should use Dentiste ?
Whilst Dentiste is suitable for people suffering from bad morning breath, it is also for people who want to get healthier since oral bacteria causing bad smell can easily induce other diseases.
•     People with bad morning breath, insufficient sleep, and stressful working environment
•     People who travel a lot and PREGNANT WOMEN
•     Brain, oral, cardiovascular, lung, kidney, spinal cord, and diabetic patients

Special note for PREGNANT WOMEN
Pregnant Women are more prone to Oral Problems. It is dangerous for you to face stresses from dealing with the tooth pain. Too much stress in the first trimester can lead to an unwanted abortion, while dealing with serious oral problems in the last trimester can lead to premature birth.

Start taking care of your oral hygiene today for your baby's health by...
•     Brush your teeth correctly
•     Brush your tongue and floss your teeth
•     Drink enough clean water per day
•     Use toothpaste that can effectively inhibit oral nightmare bacteria
Odolnya berwarna hijau dgn aroma mint
  • Wangi mint...mmm...
  • Tdk terlalu berbusa
  • Efektif mengurangi aroma tidak sedap pada mulut sejak pemakaian pertama
  • Inovasi hygiene pump
  • Isinya lumayan banyak 120gr
  • Irit karena cukup menggunakan 1cm saja :)
  • Harganya yang selangit =p
Definitely will repurchase, although it's quite pricey...
Ya tapi seperti yang kita ketahui, "Ada Harga, Ada Rupa"...

So, share with me if you have try this product too (>_<)

MORE REVIEWS ? Click here and here

For more info, check their website by click here

Thanks for reading ^_^v


Unknown said...

busetttt .. harganyaaa
mikir2 juga deh mau beli :D

Unknown said...

Very interesting blog. You can also try with Colgate Optic White Platinum whitening toothpaste. It's help you so much. thanks for sharing.

Pinkylici0us said...

dear ery,

hehehe...iyaaa tp worthed koq ^^

Pinkylici0us said...

thank you...^^

i'll definitely try it next time

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Hi dear, Thank u so much ^_^v Pinkylici0us really appreciate your comments and will reply as soon as possible. Muaachhh... XOXO ;)